“Records” Under this tab, you can enter various pieces of meta-data to do with the recording. Everyone realizes that this information is vital to your recordings being of long-term scientific value, but it often doesn’t get recorded. I included this in Luscinia in the hope of encouraging better archiving behaviour in myself, and maybe others.
The fields are fairly self-explanatory. When you first open a new recording, you will notice that there is already an entry for the recording time and date. This data is taken directly from the .wav file itself. Unfortunately, if you have edited the wav file in a sound editor, or have digitized the recording yourself, then this information will obviously be wrong.
Since a number of fields are unlikely to change very frequently, every time you save a song (see Controls), Luscinia records the entries for “Location”, “Recordist”, and “Recording equipment”. Then, upon editing a different song, by pressing “Use last saved details”, these entries are automatically entered into their fields.